Plant Ops

Call Plant Ops

(828) 262-4178

Plant Ops Work Order Icon

Submit a Work Order

Note: You must use Microsoft Edge.

Instructions for submitting a request to Plant Ops (WMC only)

You will see a PlantOps WO icon on all the desktops. Using this icon to submit work orders will expedite the process of meeting your requests. Currently, this is for WMC campuses only. Please contact Plant Operations at (828) 262-4178 if you have any questions.

1. Click the PlantOps WO icon on your desktop.

2. Log in using your email username and password. 

3. Once you log in, you will see the main screen. 

4. Enter your name into the Requester field. Your work phone and ARHS email should also be entered.  This allows Plant Operations to call you directly if you have any questions or need to meet with you.

5. Select your building in the Building dropdown list. Watauga Medical Center is listed as “MAIN BLDG”. If you do not see your building listed, please email to have it added.

6. Select your Department from the Department drop down list. There are multiple pages on the drop down, so you may need to scroll to the next page using the arrows. If you do not see your department listed, please email to have it added.

7. Do not change the Service Department set to Maintenance (MT).  IF IT IS CHANGED THE WORK ORDER WILL NOT SUBMIT.

8. The Location is the EXACT location in the department the problem is located.  For example, main floor bathroom or Nurses Station.  This field needs to be specific so Plant Operations Staff know where the need to go.

9. In the Problem area, give a detailed message on the issue that needs to be addressed. BE SPECIFIC. This allows Plant Ops staff to know what tools they may need to bring. Being specific will expedite your service.

10. When ready, click SUBMIT to generate the work order to the Plant Operations Department

11. (optional) Click CLEAR to completely clear the form and start over.

12. Once the Work Order has been successfully submitted, you will receive a pop-up window that confirms your order.